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han seguida en dho Puesto de Punta
Cortada Contra los negros de la
nacion Mina de dho Puesto, y la
Falsa River por el Levantam.to
que se dice havian proyectado
contra los blancos y se detiene
el Pasaporte a dho Ricard por
or.n de Su Sria en Cuio virtud,
presento dho Recard un escrito
suplicando que bajo la Corresp.te
fianza de la Segur.d de su persona
a fin de cumplir los preceptos
de tribun.l y estar a dro
jusgada y sentenciado que
sea dha causa y mandó
S.S.a que dando la fiansa
que ofrece a satisfacion del
pres.te Es.o se le permite
regresarse por haora a su
domicilo asta otra provid.a
por lo que y a fin que tenga
efecto lo referido otorgas
por la presente que haciendo
de causa agena suia propia
been carried out in said Post of Punta
Cortada Against the blacks of the
Mina nation of said Post, and
Falsa River due to the Uprising
that they are said to have planned
against the whites and the Passport
of said Ricard is detained by
order of His Honor in virtue of which
said Recard presented in writing an
appeal that under the Corresponding
bail against the Security of his person
in order to comply with the precepts
of the court and the law
that the trial be judged
and sentenced and His Honor
ordered that giving the bail
that he offers to the satisfaction of the
present Scribe he is permitted
to return for now to his
domicile until further notice
by which and so that the aforementioned
takes place he consents
hereby that making
another’s cause his own
