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racion del Negro de su Madre, sino que
queriendo muchos habitantes oir las de los
suyos para imponerse de la verdad del caso
no permitio el Comandante que entrase
ninguno, y responde----
Y que lo que lleva dicho y declarado es la
verdad en Cargo del juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmo y ratifico leida
que le fue esta su declaracion traducida al
frances expresando estar conforme que
es de edad de veinte y ocho años cumplidos
y la firmo con su Mrd e Ynterpretes de
que doy fee = entre = veng.a = x = vale
Vidal Juan B.ta Leblon Bara
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
declaration of his Mother’s Black, but that
the Commander, not wanting many residents to hear
the declarations of their slaves in order to find out the truth of the case
did not permit that anyone
enter, and he responds--
And that what he has said and declared is the
truth Under the oath that he has
given in which he confirmed and verified this his
declaration as read to him translated to
French saying that it was in agreement that
he is twenty eight years old
and he signed it with his Honor and Interpreters which I
attest = entre = veng.a = x = are valid
Vidal Juan Bautista Leblon Bara
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
