Gobierno de ella comparecio Juan Bau-
tista Bara de quien su Mrd dicho Señor
Theniente Gobernador por medio de los
Ynterpretes D.n Juan Josef Duforest
y D.n Daniel Mortimer y por ante
mi el Escribano recivio juramento que
lo hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor y una
Señal de cruz confomre a dro, bajo el
que ofrecio decir verdad en lo que su
piere y fuere preguntado y siendolo
si ha tenido noticia de la sublevacion
que se dice haver proyectado los Ne
gros de la nacion Mina del Puesto de
Punta Cortada y Falsa Rivera con
intento de matar a los blancos: y si a los
mismos Negros o a alguno de ellos les
ha oido el declarante hablar del par-
tista Bara de quien su Mrd dicho Señor
Theniente Gobernador por medio de los
Ynterpretes D.n Juan Josef Duforest
y D.n Daniel Mortimer y por ante
mi el Escribano recivio juramento que
lo hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor y una
Señal de cruz confomre a dro, bajo el
que ofrecio decir verdad en lo que su
piere y fuere preguntado y siendolo
si ha tenido noticia de la sublevacion
que se dice haver proyectado los Ne
gros de la nacion Mina del Puesto de
Punta Cortada y Falsa Rivera con
intento de matar a los blancos: y si a los
mismos Negros o a alguno de ellos les
ha oido el declarante hablar del par-
its Government Juan Bautista Bara
appeared from whom his Honor said Señor
Lieutenant Governor by way of the
Interpreters Don Juan Josef Duforest
and Don Daniel Mortimer and before
me the Scribe received the oath that
he gave by God Our Lord and a
Symbol of the cross according to law, under which
he promised to tell the truth as he knew
it and was asked and being asked
if he had notice of the uprising
said to be planned by the Blacks of
the Mina nation of the Post of
Punta Cortada and Falsa Rivera with
the intent of killing the whites: and if the declarant had
heard the same Blacks or any of them
speak of the
appeared from whom his Honor said Señor
Lieutenant Governor by way of the
Interpreters Don Juan Josef Duforest
and Don Daniel Mortimer and before
me the Scribe received the oath that
he gave by God Our Lord and a
Symbol of the cross according to law, under which
he promised to tell the truth as he knew
it and was asked and being asked
if he had notice of the uprising
said to be planned by the Blacks of
the Mina nation of the Post of
Punta Cortada and Falsa Rivera with
the intent of killing the whites: and if the declarant had
heard the same Blacks or any of them
speak of the
Previous document:
Daniel Mortimer Notified of Impending Hearing (December 17, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Louis Guillot (December 17, 1792)