consta en el proceso, haviendose hallado pre
sente el declarante con otros varios sujetos
que alli menciona el dicho D.n Valentin
Leblanc, con la circunstancia de que el
exponente presencio la declaracion del
negro perteneciente a la viuda Leblond
madre del declarante, a quien el mismo
Negro havia manifestado antes lo que
confeso luego en presencia del Comandan
te y se halla en el proceso? dixo: Que es
falsa la cita que se le ha leido en todas sus
partes, pues el declarante jamas presencio
declaracion alguna de los Negros, ni
tampoco la del de su madre, ni le dixo al
Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc lo que
este refiere en su informe, de que el
referido Negro le havia manifestado antes
sente el declarante con otros varios sujetos
que alli menciona el dicho D.n Valentin
Leblanc, con la circunstancia de que el
exponente presencio la declaracion del
negro perteneciente a la viuda Leblond
madre del declarante, a quien el mismo
Negro havia manifestado antes lo que
confeso luego en presencia del Comandan
te y se halla en el proceso? dixo: Que es
falsa la cita que se le ha leido en todas sus
partes, pues el declarante jamas presencio
declaracion alguna de los Negros, ni
tampoco la del de su madre, ni le dixo al
Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc lo que
este refiere en su informe, de que el
referido Negro le havia manifestado antes
appears in the proceedings, with the declarant
having been present with other various people
whom the said Don Valentin Leblanc
mentions, with the fact that the declarant
attended the declaration of the
black belonging to the widow Leblond
mother of the declarant, to whom the same
Black had said before that which
he then confessed in the presence of the Commander
and is found in the proceedings? he said: That the
reference which has been read to him is false on all
counts, since the declarant never attended any
declaration of the Blacks, not
even that of his mother’s, nor did he say
to Commander Don Valentin Leblanc that which
he wrote in his report, that the
said Black had told him before
having been present with other various people
whom the said Don Valentin Leblanc
mentions, with the fact that the declarant
attended the declaration of the
black belonging to the widow Leblond
mother of the declarant, to whom the same
Black had said before that which
he then confessed in the presence of the Commander
and is found in the proceedings? he said: That the
reference which has been read to him is false on all
counts, since the declarant never attended any
declaration of the Blacks, not
even that of his mother’s, nor did he say
to Commander Don Valentin Leblanc that which
he wrote in his report, that the
said Black had told him before
Previous document:
Daniel Mortimer Notified of Impending Hearing (December 17, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Louis Guillot (December 17, 1792)