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lo que confeso despues en su presencia; y que lo
que unicamente hizo fue conducir al fuerte
del orden del mismo comandante al Negro
de su madre, haciendolo ir por delante
de si sin prisiones algunas, y responde----
Preguntado si se acuerda haver hecho
una declaracion antemi el Escribano en
el Puesto de Punta Cortada, si es la misma
que se le pone presente en este acto, y si es
cierto su contenido, y suya la firma que
ella aparece? dixo que se acuerda haver hecho
ante mi el Escrivano una declaracion en el Puesto
de Punta Cortada, y que es la misma de foxas dos
cientas sesenta y una vuelta que se le acaba
de leer y cierto su contenido y que reconoce
por suya la firma que en ella aparece. Y a
nade en este acto que haze memoria de que
no solo no presencio el exponente la decla
that which he later confessed in his presence; and that the
only thing he did was bring his mother’s Black
to the fort on the orders of the same
commander; making him go in front of
him without any bonds, and he responds--
Asked if he remembers having made
a declaration before me the Scribe on
the Post of Punta Cortads, if it is the same
that is presented to him in this proceeding, and if
its contents are true, and if the signature that
appears there is his? he said that he remembers having given
before me the Scribe a declaration on the Post
of Punta Cortada, and that it is the same as that on the back of
page two hundred sixty one which has just been read
to him and its contents are true and that he recognizes
the signature that appears there as his. And
he adds in this hearing that he remembers that
not only did the declarant not attend the
