particular? dixo: Que estuvo nombrado de
Patrulla por el Comandante que fue de aquel
Puesto D.n Valentin Leblanc, quien le comuni
co varias ordenes para aprehender diferentes
Negros de la nacion Mina, como le executo
el declarante; con cuyo motivo oyo hablar
generalmente a los vecinos del levantamiento
de los dichos Negros, pero que a ninguno de
estos, ni a los que prendio el declarante le
oyo decir cosa alguna sobre el particular
y responde----
Preguntado por la cita que le haze D.n
Valentin Leblanc comandante que fue del
Puesto de Punta Cortada en su informe de
treinta de Marzo del Corriente año en que
expresa que hizo comparecer a varios de
los Negro Reos quienes declararon lo que
Patrulla por el Comandante que fue de aquel
Puesto D.n Valentin Leblanc, quien le comuni
co varias ordenes para aprehender diferentes
Negros de la nacion Mina, como le executo
el declarante; con cuyo motivo oyo hablar
generalmente a los vecinos del levantamiento
de los dichos Negros, pero que a ninguno de
estos, ni a los que prendio el declarante le
oyo decir cosa alguna sobre el particular
y responde----
Preguntado por la cita que le haze D.n
Valentin Leblanc comandante que fue del
Puesto de Punta Cortada en su informe de
treinta de Marzo del Corriente año en que
expresa que hizo comparecer a varios de
los Negro Reos quienes declararon lo que
matter? he said: That he was named to the
Patrol by Don Valentin Leblanc who was the
Commander of that Post, who gave him
several orders to apprehend different
Blacks of the Mina nation, which the declarant
did; for which reason he generally
heard the neighbors talk about the uprising
of the said Blacks, but that the declarant did not
hear from any of them, nor those he arrested
anything about the matter
and he responds--
Asked about the reference which Don
Valentin who was commander of the
Post of Punta Cortada makes to him in his report of
the thirtieth of March of the Current year in which
he says that he made appear several of
the Black prisoners who declared that which
Patrol by Don Valentin Leblanc who was the
Commander of that Post, who gave him
several orders to apprehend different
Blacks of the Mina nation, which the declarant
did; for which reason he generally
heard the neighbors talk about the uprising
of the said Blacks, but that the declarant did not
hear from any of them, nor those he arrested
anything about the matter
and he responds--
Asked about the reference which Don
Valentin who was commander of the
Post of Punta Cortada makes to him in his report of
the thirtieth of March of the Current year in which
he says that he made appear several of
the Black prisoners who declared that which
Previous document:
Daniel Mortimer Notified of Impending Hearing (December 17, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Louis Guillot (December 17, 1792)