que lo hiso por Dios
ntro Senor y una se
nal de la Cruz confor
me a dro so cuyo car
go prometio decir
verdad, y preguntado
sobre la resistencia
que hiso el negro Cofy
perteneciente al nombra
do Jacinto Chis, Dijo
que dicho negro fue
tomado tocando a la
ntro Senor y una se
nal de la Cruz confor
me a dro so cuyo car
go prometio decir
verdad, y preguntado
sobre la resistencia
que hiso el negro Cofy
perteneciente al nombra
do Jacinto Chis, Dijo
que dicho negro fue
tomado tocando a la
that he gave by God
our Lord and a symbol
of the Cross according
to law under which
he promised to tell
the truth, and asked
about the resistance
made by the black Cofy
belonging to the said
Jacinto Chis, He said
that said black was
apprehended knocking on
our Lord and a symbol
of the Cross according
to law under which
he promised to tell
the truth, and asked
about the resistance
made by the black Cofy
belonging to the said
Jacinto Chis, He said
that said black was
apprehended knocking on
Previous document:
Declaration of Luis Estevan (July 16, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Pierre Oleinde (July 18, 1791)