mes y ano comparecio an
te mi a efecto de dar la
declaracion el nombrado
Guillermo Recuron solda
do de la Patrulla que
comandava el nombrado
Luis Estevan la noche
del nueve de corriente
de quien por medio del
Ynterprete nombrado
y en presencia de los
testigos de asistencia
le recivi juramento
te mi a efecto de dar la
declaracion el nombrado
Guillermo Recuron solda
do de la Patrulla que
comandava el nombrado
Luis Estevan la noche
del nueve de corriente
de quien por medio del
Ynterprete nombrado
y en presencia de los
testigos de asistencia
le recivi juramento
of the month and year before me
in order to give a declaration
appeared the named
Guillermo Recuron soldier
of the Patrol that the said
Luis Estevan was
commanding the night
of the ninth of the current month
from whom through the
named Interpreter
and in the presence of the
attesting witnesses
I received the oath
in order to give a declaration
appeared the named
Guillermo Recuron soldier
of the Patrol that the said
Luis Estevan was
commanding the night
of the ninth of the current month
from whom through the
named Interpreter
and in the presence of the
attesting witnesses
I received the oath
Previous document:
Declaration of Luis Estevan (July 16, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Pierre Oleinde (July 18, 1791)