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dio parte a su amo del aten
tado que devian hacer los
Minan Dijo que no dio
parte por que creyo que no
tendria efeto y responde----
Que lo que lleva declara
do es la verdad en cargo
de su juramento dho q.e
es de la edad que tiene
declarada y no firmo por
que dijo no saver lo hizo
dho Ynterprete con los tgos
de assit.a de q.e doy fee=Ysac
Fastio=Ricard de Riotard=
Diego Ortis=Valentin
tell his master of the attack
that the Minan were going to
carry out He said that he did not tell
him because he believed it would not
have an effect and he responds--
That what he has declared
is the truth under
his oath said that
he is the age he
declared and he did not sign because
he said he did not know how
said Interpreter with the attesting
witnesses did so which I attest = Ysac
Fastio = Ricard de Riotard =
Diego Ortis = Valentin
