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Preguntado si tiene conocim.to
de un baile que se dio en
la cavaña de Juan Luis
esclavo de la viuda Rovi
llard el Savado despues
del Corpus Dijo que si p.r
haver estado en el y haver
sido conbidado por jacó
negro Minan pertene
ciente al nombrado San
tiago fabre y responde.
Preguntado si en dho baile
no oyó hablar sobre un
levantamiento que devian
Asked if he has knowledge
of a dance that was given in
the hut of Juan Luis
slave of the widow Rovillard
the Saturday after
Corpus He said that yes because
he was there and he had
been invited by jacó
black Minan belonging
to the said Santiago
fabre and he responds.
Asked if at said dance
he did not hear talk about an
uprising that the Minan
