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nombrado prometio decir
verdad y se le hicieron
las preguntas siguient.
Preguntado como se llama
que edad estado y exer
cicio tiene de donde es
natural y vecino y quien
es su amo Dijo llamarse
Cofi nacion Minan
de edad de quarenta años
exercicio labrador soltero
y esclavo de nombra
do Juan Fran.co Porshe y respd.e
Interpreter he promised to tell
the truth and he was asked
the following questions.
Asked what his name is
what is his age condition and
profession where is he
from and where resident and who
is his master He said his name was
Cofi of the Minan nation
forty years old
farmer by trade single
and slave of the said
Juan Francisco Porshe and he responds
