esclavo del nombrado ter
nan le havia acavado de
decir que los negros mina
devian levantarse contra los
blancos lo que no executa
ron el jueves en la noche
por causa del mal tiempo
y otras rasones pero que
se executaria el Savado
por cuyo motivo luego que
Jorge Criollo oyo esta
palabra dijo al declarante
bamos inmediatamente a
avisar a ntro amo y los
nan le havia acavado de
decir que los negros mina
devian levantarse contra los
blancos lo que no executa
ron el jueves en la noche
por causa del mal tiempo
y otras rasones pero que
se executaria el Savado
por cuyo motivo luego que
Jorge Criollo oyo esta
palabra dijo al declarante
bamos inmediatamente a
avisar a ntro amo y los
slave of the aforementioned Ternan,
had just told
her that the blacks from the Mina nation
were supposed to rise up against the
whites, that they did not do
so on Thursday night
as a result of the bad weather
and other reasons, but that
it would take place on Saturday.
For which reason, after
Creole Jorge heard these
words he said to the declarant
let us immediately go
to warn our master and
had just told
her that the blacks from the Mina nation
were supposed to rise up against the
whites, that they did not do
so on Thursday night
as a result of the bad weather
and other reasons, but that
it would take place on Saturday.
For which reason, after
Creole Jorge heard these
words he said to the declarant
let us immediately go
to warn our master and
Previous document:
Declaration of Jorge Criollo (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Jaco [Fabre] (July 11, 1791)