Jorge Criollo en la que ha
dado al de estos autos Dijo
que jamas ha oydo hablar
sobre el particular sino
en noche del viernes que
se enuncia a las referidas
Declaraciones respecto a que
la Negra Venus llego ala
Cavana de Francisca donde
el declarante se hallava en
compañia de Jorge padre
de esta todos esclavos de
D.n Jorge Bergeron y la
dicha Benus Dijo a
Francisca que Dique negro
dado al de estos autos Dijo
que jamas ha oydo hablar
sobre el particular sino
en noche del viernes que
se enuncia a las referidas
Declaraciones respecto a que
la Negra Venus llego ala
Cavana de Francisca donde
el declarante se hallava en
compañia de Jorge padre
de esta todos esclavos de
D.n Jorge Bergeron y la
dicha Benus Dijo a
Francisca que Dique negro
the Creole Jorge in the one he
gave in these proceedings. He said
that he had never heard
about the matter except
that on the Friday night
mentioned in the said
Declarations being that
the Black Venus came to
Francisca’s Hut where the
Declarant was in the
company of Jorge, her
father; all slaves of
Don Jorge Bergeron and the
said Venus Said to
Francisca that the black man Dique,
gave in these proceedings. He said
that he had never heard
about the matter except
that on the Friday night
mentioned in the said
Declarations being that
the Black Venus came to
Francisca’s Hut where the
Declarant was in the
company of Jorge, her
father; all slaves of
Don Jorge Bergeron and the
said Venus Said to
Francisca that the black man Dique,
Previous document:
Declaration of Jorge Criollo (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Jaco [Fabre] (July 11, 1791)