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jorge su padre Criollo y
Pedro: nacion Chamba escla
vos del dho Dn Jorge Olivo
su amo fueron a advertir
a este y a la Declarante con
la otra Venus fueron igu
almente al efeto y a ref
ugiarse en la Casa del
dho su amo: que es lo
que save y puede decir
en quanto al levantam.to
y citas que es la verdad
encargo de su juramento
Jorge, her Creole father, and
Pedro: from the nation Chamba both
salves of the said Don Jorge Olivo
her master went to warn
the latter and the Declarant and
the other, Venus, went also
to that end and to take refuge
inside their master’s House:
that this is his is what she
knows and can say
about the uprising
and the quotes that it is the truth
as per her oath
