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derecho, so cuyo cargo pro
metio decir verdad y exami
nada al tenor de la Cita
que en su Declaracion le
hase dho Dn Jorge Olive
su amo al de estos
autos, y al tenor del auto
cabesa de proseso. Dijo
que estando la Declarante
durmiendo en su cavana
y como a las nueve de la
noche del viernes ocho del
corriente toco a la puerta
to law, under which oath she
promised to tell the truth and
asked about the Quote
which the said Don Jorge Olivo
her master attributes to her in these
proceedings, and in accordance with the initial
case hearing. The declarant said that while she was
sleeping in her hut at around nine
o’clock at night on Friday the eighth
of the current month,
