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y que no lo hicieron el
por el mal tiempo que se
lo havia dicho la Negra ve
nus su esclava que lo savia
del negro Dique del nomb.do
Ternan con estas palabras
que no se acuerda pero que
al instante advirtio a Dn
Antonio Decuir Oficial de
Milicias residente en la
Parase que es lo que save y la
verdad en cargo del juramento
que es de edad de cinquenta y
seis anos y lo firmo con el
Interp.te y tgos doy fe=
Olivo = Isac Fastio=Ricard de
Riotord=Diego Ortis=Va
lentin Leblanc
and that they did not do it
because of the bad weather that
he had been told so by his slave
Venus the negress, who heard it
from the negro Dique slave of
said Ternan with words that
he does not remember but that
he immediately cautioned Don
Antonio Decuir Officer of the
Militias resident in the Settlement
that this is what he knows, and
this is the truth as stated under oath,
that he is aged fifty
six, and he signed with the
Interpreter and witnesses
which I certify=
Jorge Olivo = Isac Fastio = Ricardo de
Riotard = Diego Ortiz = Va
Lentin Leblanc
