Jorge Olivo havitante del
Parase que Dicen la
Rivera falza en esta juris
dicion de quien por medio del
Interprete nombrado
y por ante los testigos
de assistencia le recivi ju
ramento que lo hizo
por Dios ntro Senor y
una Cruz segun dro a
cuyo cargo prometio
decir verdad y examinado
al tenor de la parte
Parase que Dicen la
Rivera falza en esta juris
dicion de quien por medio del
Interprete nombrado
y por ante los testigos
de assistencia le recivi ju
ramento que lo hizo
por Dios ntro Senor y
una Cruz segun dro a
cuyo cargo prometio
decir verdad y examinado
al tenor de la parte
Jorge Olivo resident of said
place that is called the
Rivera Falza in this
Jurisdiction who through
The named interpreter
and in the presence of the attesting
witnesses took an oath
by God our Lord and a
Cross according to the law
according to which
he swore to
tell the truth and examined
about the part
place that is called the
Rivera Falza in this
Jurisdiction who through
The named interpreter
and in the presence of the attesting
witnesses took an oath
by God our Lord and a
Cross according to the law
according to which
he swore to
tell the truth and examined
about the part
Previous document:
Judicial Assistants Notified of Participants' List (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Venus (July 9, 1791)