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blanc nommé Bouyaval, maître
d’école chès son maître, avoit dit un
soir à leur Cabanne qu’il avoit entendu
dire à la Capitale que tous les Esclaves
étoient déjà tous Libres, et qu’ils ont
cru ce que le dit Bouyaval leur
disoit quoiqu’ils se fussent apperçu
qu’il étoit un peu [Gui ?], et ajoute
de nouveau qu’aux cités négres du Sr
Poédras qu’il avoit entendu dire que
des négres qui passoient pour
aller chercher des [matures] leurs
avoient dit que tous les négres dela
Capitale étoient déja tous libres
& que Mr. Duparc avoit reçu l’ordre
de publier cette Liberté, Il a répondu
Intérogé pour quoi il n’en
avoit pas prevenu son maître
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white man named Bouyava, schoolmaster
on his master's estate, had said one
evening at their hut that he had heard
it said in the Capital that all the Slaves
were already Free, and that they
believed what the said Bouyaval told
them even though they saw
that he was a bit [ur], and he adds
again that from the aforementioned blacks belonging to Sr
Poédras he had heard it said that
some blacks who passed by
looking for [masts] had told
them that all the blacks of the
Capital were already all free
and that Mr. Duparc had received the order
to publish this Freedom, he responded
Asked why he had not
warned his master
