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"[sic] eussent parler de liberté il dit que oui, qu'environ deux mois il avait passe un bateau qui allait aux Natchés dont le patron était Pierre [Canelle], et que deux mulatres [dont] l'un se [nommait] Géorge [adivant] [a mi] Veuve Maran [demeuraient] au Bayou St Jean, et l'autre nommé Dominique qu'ils leurs ont dit que tout les escalves étaient tous libres par le Roy.

N'ayant plus rien à dire et avoir entendu lire toutes de cites, aussi que sa déclaration, il a dit que c'était la pure vérité qu'il est agé de trente huit ans, et ne sachant signer l'avons fait avec l'assesseur et les témoins d'assistance de tout quoi donnons"
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"had talked about freedom he says yes, that around two months ago a boat came by which was going to Natchez whose boss was Pierre [Canelle], and that two mulattos of which one was named George [sic] Veuve Maran from around Bayou St Jean, and the other named Dominique that they had told them that all the slaves were all free by the King.

Having nothing more to say and having heard all the statements read, also his declaration, he said that it is the pure truth, that he is thirty-eight years old, and not knowing how to sign we have done it for him with the assessor and the attending witnesses to all which we give authority"
