"Declaration de Etienne de [sic] Porche
Consécutivement avons fait comparraître le nommé Etienne commandeur à [sic] Porche cité par Jean Baptiste commandeur dans sa deuxieme declaration et apres lui avoir fait faire son serment par Dieu & la Sainte"
Consécutivement avons fait comparraître le nommé Etienne commandeur à [sic] Porche cité par Jean Baptiste commandeur dans sa deuxieme declaration et apres lui avoir fait faire son serment par Dieu & la Sainte"
"Declaration of Etienne of [sic] Porche
Next we have made appear the man called Etienne commander to [sic] Porche mentioned by Jean Baptiste commander in his second declaration and after having made him make his oath to God and the Holy"
Next we have made appear the man called Etienne commander to [sic] Porche mentioned by Jean Baptiste commander in his second declaration and after having made him make his oath to God and the Holy"
Previous document:
Declaration of Alexis [Widow Le Blond] (May 13, 1795)
Next document:
Declaration of Jacob [Patin] (May 13, 1795)