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"ils devait frapper les blancs et que pour cet effet, les négres du dit camp devaient commencer à ce battre entre eux pour attirer les blancs, & quand ils seraient arrivé, ils devaient les tuer et s'emparer du magasin du dit Sr Poédras, où [étaient] fusils & munitions, & qu'il tenait de [plus] du dit Brise Feu que Noel lui avait dit qu'il [sic], par mèttre le feu a [l'appeute du four] de la dite habitation, & que les chefs principaux étaient les nommes Jean Baptiste Commandeur, & Noel, a la dite habitation, que Noel devait lui même mettre le feu a [l'apparte] en [avant] au feu & que par conséquant il declare"
"they should strike the whites and that for this goal the negros of the said camp should begin fighting among themselves to attract the whites, and when they would have arrived, they should kill them and seize the storeroom of the said Sr Poédras, where there were guns and ammunition, and that he [held also that] of the said Brise Feu that Noel had told him that he [sic] to light a fire at the [apartment oven?] of the said plantation, and that the principal chiefs were the named Jean Baptiste Commander, and Noel, of the said plantation, that Noel must himself light the fire at the apartment [in advance of the fire] and that in consequence he declares"
