Nueva Orleans y Abril 8 de 1794
Por reicvido este oficio del Contralor del
Hospital Real D.n Rafael Ramos con
la relacion fue acompañada: Agreguese
a los Autos criminales que se siguen
contra varios Negros del Puesto de Punta
Cortada en que se halla comprehendido el
Negro nombrado Cofy, de que se trata p
ra que conste su fallecimiento: y comuni
quese orden al Comandante de dicho Pu
esto para que haga que Jacinto Chistes, Amo
del referido Negro, pague inmediatamente
las estancias de los dias, que permanecio en
el mismo Hospital cuya suma remitira
sin dilacion; lo que se participara en contes
tacion al dicho contralor para su inteligencia
Carondelet Vidal
pedro Pedesclaux
Por reicvido este oficio del Contralor del
Hospital Real D.n Rafael Ramos con
la relacion fue acompañada: Agreguese
a los Autos criminales que se siguen
contra varios Negros del Puesto de Punta
Cortada en que se halla comprehendido el
Negro nombrado Cofy, de que se trata p
ra que conste su fallecimiento: y comuni
quese orden al Comandante de dicho Pu
esto para que haga que Jacinto Chistes, Amo
del referido Negro, pague inmediatamente
las estancias de los dias, que permanecio en
el mismo Hospital cuya suma remitira
sin dilacion; lo que se participara en contes
tacion al dicho contralor para su inteligencia
Carondelet Vidal
pedro Pedesclaux
New Orleans April 8 1794
Upon receipt of this notice from the Comptroller of the
Royal Hospital Don Rafael Ramos with
which the list was accompanied: Let it be added
to the criminal Acts that are being carried out
against various Blacks of the Post of Punta
Cortada in which the Black named Cofy
is included, what it describes in order
that his death be documented: and let an order
be communicated to the Commander of said Post
that he should make Jacinto Chistes, Master
of the said Black, immediately pay
the costs of the days, that he stayed in
the same Hospital which sum he will send
without delay: which will be communicated in a
response to the said comptroller for his information
Carondelet Vidal
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Upon receipt of this notice from the Comptroller of the
Royal Hospital Don Rafael Ramos with
which the list was accompanied: Let it be added
to the criminal Acts that are being carried out
against various Blacks of the Post of Punta
Cortada in which the Black named Cofy
is included, what it describes in order
that his death be documented: and let an order
be communicated to the Commander of said Post
that he should make Jacinto Chistes, Master
of the said Black, immediately pay
the costs of the days, that he stayed in
the same Hospital which sum he will send
without delay: which will be communicated in a
response to the said comptroller for his information
Carondelet Vidal
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public