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Adjunta dirixo a V.S.
las relacion de las Estancias
causadas en este R.l Hosp.l
por el Negro nombrado
Cofi de la pertenencia de
Jacinto Chistes que falle
cio el dia de ayer quien
de orden de v.S. paso
enfermo de la Carzel
a este dicho Hospital
a fin de que V.S. se sirva
disponer quien deba su
frir el cargo de ellas
Dios guarde
I address to your Honor the attached
list of the Costs
incurred in this Royal Hospital
by the Black named
Cofi belonging to
Jacinto Chistes who died
yesterday who
on your Honor’s orders came
sick from the Jail
to this said Hospital
so that Your Honor may
arrange who should
be responsible for them
God keep
