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haverce proyectado en el; se le tome a Do
mingo Seizan su Declaracion respeto de
hallarce inpocibilitado de comparecer al
dho Tribunal superior por la enfermedad
que padece, y siendo necesario para to
mar la dicha declaracion nombrar perso
na instruida en los ydiomas Frances y Es
pañol para que cirva de interprete por
no poceder el Español el citado Domingo
Seisan, nombre para que sirva de inter
prete a Nicolas Moris soldado de este
destacam.to el qual hallandoce precente
y echo saber el nombram.to que de el
hecho, responde despues de prestado el Ju
ramento por Dios y una Señal de cruz se
gun dro. que acepta, y acepto el referido
nombramiento obligandoce a egercer su
encargo bien y fielm.te segun su leal sa
ber y entender, y para que conste lo fir
mo con migo y testigos de acistencia de
que doy fee
Nicolas Mauricios
Fran. Ronda Antonio Martinez
Gallegos Fran.co Rivas
to have been planned there; I took
Domingo Seizan’s Declaration given
he found it impossible to appear at
said high Court due to the illness
he is suffering from, and being necessary in order to
take the said declaration to name a person
instructed in the French and Spanish language
to serve as interpreter because
the said Domingo Seisan does not know
Spanish, I named as interpreter
Nicolas Moris soldier of this
detachment who being present
and informed of the appointment I
made, responds after taking the Oath
by God and a Symbol of the cross
according to law that he accepts and he accepted the said
appointment obliging him to fulfil his
duty well and loyally to the best of his knowledge
and understanding, and so that it is documented he signed
with me and the attesting witnesses which
I attest
Nicolas Mauricios
Francisco Ronda Antonio Martinez
Gallegos Francisco Rivas
