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D.n Fran.co Baron de Carondelet Caballero de la
relixion de S.n Juan, Coronel de los R.s extos. Gobernador
e Yntendente gral. Vice Patrono Real de las Prov.s de la
Luisiana y Florida Occidental, e Inspector de las tropas
veterans y Milicias de ella por S.M. va----
A D.n Fran.co Rivas, encargo del Puesto de la
Punta Cortada hago saber como conseguiente
a los Autos que se siguen en este mi tribunal
sobre barios Negros de ese dho Puesto que se con
sideron reos de la sublevacion que se suponia
haverse proyectado en el provei un Auto
que su tenor a la letra es como sigue=
AUTO Por recibida: Agreguese a los Autos de su
materia para que conste: Respeto que
por haver fallecido Lartique Ledoux, no puede
verificarse la diligencia y tomarle su declaracion,
y que Domingo Seizan, se halla imposibilitado
de comparecer en esta Ciudad por la enfer
medad que padece, segun informa el Coman
dante del Puesto de Punta Cortada, Libreré
Despacho a D.n Fran.co Rivas que por
su ausencia esta encargado de la adminis
tracion de Justicia, para que haga
from Don Francisco Baron de Carondelet Knight of the
religion of San Juan, Colonel of the Royal armies Governor
and general Intendant Royal Vice Patron of the Provinces of
Louisiana and Western Florida, and Inspector of their
veteran troops and Militias for His Majesty--
To Don Francisco Rivas, in charge of the Post of
Punta Cortada I inform him that following
the Proceedings being enacted in this my court
about various Blacks of that said Post who are considered
criminals of the uprising that is supposed
to have been planned there I put out an order
according to the following=
ACT Upon receipt: Add to the Acts of the
matter so that the following appears: Given that
Lartique Ledoux has passed away, the hearing cannot
be verified nor can his declaration be taken,
and that Domingo Seizan, has found it impossible
to appear in this City due to the illness
he is suffering from, according to the information of the Commander
of the Post of Punta Cortada, I will issue
a Dispatch to Don Francisco Rivas that due
to his absence he is charged with the administration
of Justice, so that he compel
