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que el dho Domingo Seizan declare con
juramento si se hallo presente a algunas
de las declaraciones que se tomaron en dho Puesto
por D.n Valentin Leblanc a los Negros que
se consideraron reos de la sublevacion que
se suponia averse proyectado por estos, con
tra los Blancos: que exprese el testigo a
quales de ellas concurrio, individualizando por su
nombre a cada Negro Declarante: se les
oyo decir que era cierto haver intentado
la tal sublevacion y si confesaron averse
comprehendido en ella... y que otras per
sonas vieron que se hallaron presentes
y asistieron a las referidas declaraciones
Y evaquada esta diligencia que dexa actu
ar el Comisionado a continuacion del
referido despacho y con testigos de asistencia
por falta de Escrivano, la remitira o refiria
para que obre lo que haya lugar y se
provea en su vista lo que corresponda
hay dos rubricas = Proveyolo el S.r Baron
the said Doming Seizan to declare under
oath if he was present at any
of the declarations which were taken on said Post
by Don Valentin Leblanc from the Blacks who
were considered criminals in the uprising that
was supposed to have been planned by them, against
the Whites: that the witness should say which
of these he attended, specifying by
name each Black Declarant: if he heard
them say that it was true they had intended
such an uprising and if they confessed to being
involved in it… and which other persons
were seen to be present
and attended the said declarations
And once this hearing which the Commissioned agent is
left to enact upon receipt of the said dispatch
and with attesting witnesses in the absence
of a Scribe is finished, he will remit or refer it
so that it shows what took place and
provide what he deems appropriate
there are two signatures= Ordered by Señor Baron
