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el declarante de Guardia le preguntó
con que tu querias matarnos a los blancos?
y le contesto que no havia intentado tal
cosa, y que antes por el contrario el havia
sido, quien havia advertido, y dado aviso de
la proyectada sublevacion. Que ignroa
como se llama el citado Negro, y solo sa
be que era el que trabajaba el añil del
nombrado Ternant su amo y responde
Y que lo que ha dicho, y declardo es la
verdad en Cargo del juramento que ha
prestado, en que se afirmo y ratifico leida que
le fue esta su declaracion por medio de dichos
Ynterpretes, expresando estar conforme que es
de edad de treinta y seis años y la firmó con su
mrd e Ynterpretes de q.e doy fee
Vida. A.re LeBlanc
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
the declarant on Guard asked him
why do you want to kill us whites?
and he answered that he had not tried such
a thing, and that before on the contrary he had
been the one who had informed, and warned of
the planned uprising. That he does not know
what the said Black’s name is, and he only knows
that he was the one working the said Ternant his
master’s indigo and he responds
And that what he has said, and declared is the
truth Under the oath that he has
given, which he confirmed and verified as read to him this
his declaration through the said
Interpreters, saying it was in agreement that he
is thirty six years old, and he signed it with his
honor and the Interpreters attested
Vidal Alexandre Leblanc
Juan Josef Duforest Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
