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no puso atencion ni cuidado a lo que se les
preguntaba ni a lo que ellos contestaban
y responde----
Preguntado si a esos mismos Negros
u a algunos de los otros les oyo hablar de
la proyectada sublevacion asegurando, o
confesando que la huviesen intentado, u
alguna otra cosa conducente a este par
ticular en aquella ocasion u otras; y
en que terminos se explicaron; que
exprese con individualidad todo lo que
sepa o haya oido sobre el asunto? dixo
que ni a los mismos Negros, ni a otros no
les oyo hablar cosa alguna sobre lo que
contiene la pregunta, y que solo al Ne
gro de Ternant a tiempo que este se
hallaba en el fuerte preso en el zepo, y
he did not notice or pay attention to what they
asked them nor what they answered
and he responds--
Asked if he had heard these same Blacks
or any of the others speak of
the said uprising confirming, or
confessing that they had planned it, or
anything else relative to this
on that occasion or others, and in
what terms they expressed themselves; will
he say about each individually all that he
knows or has heard about the matter? he said
that he had not heard those same Blacks,
nor the others say anything about what
the question mentions, and that only from
Ternant’s Black at the time that he
was in the fort in the stocks, and
