Original Image
por los Negros de la nacion Mina en la
falsa Rivera del Puesto de Punta Cortada
con intento de matar a los blancos: si asistio
el exponente a alguna o algunas declara
ciones de las que dieron los negros que
se consideraban reos ante D.n Valentin
Leblanc comandante que era entonces de
aquel puesto, y que expecifique a quales
de ellas? dixo: que tuvo noticia de la re
ferida proyectada sublevacion con motivo
de haver oido hablar generalmente de ella
y difundidose la voz en aquel Puesto y que
no concurrio a ninguna de las declaracio
nes como testigo de asistencia, pero que
con ocasion de estar de Guardia en el fuerte
entraba y salia quando se estaba exami
nando a los referidos Negros, aunque
by the Blacks of the Mina nation in
falsa Rivera of the Post of Punta Cortada
with the intention of killing the whites: if the declarant
attended any or various of the declarations
that the blacks considered criminals
gave before Don Valentin
Leblanc who was then commander of
that post, and will he specify which
of these? he said: that he had notice of the said
planned uprising because
he had heard it generally spoken of
and the rumor spreading in that Post and that
he did not attend any of the declarations
as attesting witness, but that
on the occasion he was on Guard in the fort
he came and went while they were examining
the said Blacks, although
