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Pareciendo conveniente continuar el Ca
reo de Diego Ortiz con otros de los Negros
procesados a cuyas declaracione se ha dicho
aver asistido; verifiquese desde luego: Y pra
tiquese igual diligencia para el proprio fin
y en la misma forma con D.n Agustin
Allain a quien tambien se harán las
demas interrogaciones que se consideren
Proveyolo el Señor Baron de Caron-
delet Cavallero de la Religion de
San Juan Coronel de los Reales Extos~
Gobernador, Yntendente general, y vice
It being deemed appropriate to continue the confrontation
of Diego Ortiz with others of the accused
Blacks whose declarations he said
he had attended; let them be then confirmed: And let the same
act take place for the same purpose
and in the same way with Don Agustin
Allain who will be asked the
rest of the questions considered
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet
Knight of the Religion of
San Juan Colonel of the Royal Armies
Governor, general Intendant, and Royal
