Patrono R.e de las Provincias de la Luisiana
y Florida Occidenta ee Ynspector de las tro
pas veteranas y milicias de ellas por S.M.
con dictamen y acuerdo del Señor D.r D.n
Nicolas Maria Vidal Theniente Goberna
dor y Auditor de Guerra de esta Provincia
y Asesor General del Gobierno de ella que
lo rubricaron a veinte de Diciembre de
mil set.os Noventa y dos anos
Pedro Pedesclaux
y Florida Occidenta ee Ynspector de las tro
pas veteranas y milicias de ellas por S.M.
con dictamen y acuerdo del Señor D.r D.n
Nicolas Maria Vidal Theniente Goberna
dor y Auditor de Guerra de esta Provincia
y Asesor General del Gobierno de ella que
lo rubricaron a veinte de Diciembre de
mil set.os Noventa y dos anos
Pedro Pedesclaux
vice Patron of the Provinces of Louisiana
and Western Florida and Inspector of their
veteran troops and militias for His Majesty
with the judgement and consent of Señor Doctor Don
Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant Governor
and Judge-Advocate of this Province
and General Advisor to its Government which
they signed on the twentieth of December
seventeen Ninety two
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
and Western Florida and Inspector of their
veteran troops and militias for His Majesty
with the judgement and consent of Señor Doctor Don
Nicolas Maria Vidal Lieutenant Governor
and Judge-Advocate of this Province
and General Advisor to its Government which
they signed on the twentieth of December
seventeen Ninety two
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Secretary Notified of Recent Bail Adjudication (December 19, 1792)