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varle un pan a su Negro a quiene estaba exa-
minando el Comandante, se quedo el que decla
ra en la Galeria, y lo llamo el Comandante
diciendole que el entenderia mejor a su Ne
gro Petit François y que le preguntase sobre
el particular del levantamiento que se decia
de los Negros Minas; y que haviendolo heco el
declarante, interrogandolo si havia ido al bai
le, y por que motivo, le contesto el dicho Negro
que havia ido por divertirse, y que no haviendo
le gustado rompio su violin que estaba tocando
y se retiro, sin que huviese oido el declarante
que el negro expusiese otra cosa, y mucho me-
nos lo que consta en la declaracion que se le
ha leido: que entonces se salio el delcarante
y observo que llamaron al Negro Juan Luis
se persuade que para tomarle su declara
cion: Que si el Negro huviera dicho en su
bring bread to his Black whom the Commander was
examining, the declarant remained
in the Gallery, and the Commander called him
saying that he would understand his Black
Petit (“little”) François better and that he should ask him about
the matter of the uprising that was said to be
of the Minas Blacks; and the declarant having
done this, asking him if he had gone to the dance,
and why, the said Black answered that
he had gone to enjoy himself, and that
as he didn’t like it he broke his violin which he was playing
and he left, and the declarant did not hear
the black say anything else, much less
what appears in the declaration that has been
read to him: that then the declarant left
and saw that they called the Black Juan Luis
he believes in order to take his declaration:
That if the Black had said in his
