Nuestro Señor y una Señal de Cruz conforme
a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir verdad en lo que
supiere y fuere preguntado, y siendolo por la
cita que le haze el Comandante que fue del Pues
to de Punta Cortada D.n Valentin Leblanc en
su informe de treinta de Marzo del corrien
te año en que dice, que luego que comenzo el
procedimiento judicial contra los Negros de la
Nacion Mina, fue voluntariamente el de
clarante preguntadole si resultaba pro
baba la sublevacion y como le digese el Co
mandante que todo estaba en suma osbcu
ridad le respondio el que declara que su
Negro Petit François y los demas Negros
eran una picarones, y que si el Comandan
lo llevaba a bien llamarse al dicho Ne
gro Petit François que el haria las pre
guntas en su presencia. Que no rehuso
el Comandante esta diligencia para ver
a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir verdad en lo que
supiere y fuere preguntado, y siendolo por la
cita que le haze el Comandante que fue del Pues
to de Punta Cortada D.n Valentin Leblanc en
su informe de treinta de Marzo del corrien
te año en que dice, que luego que comenzo el
procedimiento judicial contra los Negros de la
Nacion Mina, fue voluntariamente el de
clarante preguntadole si resultaba pro
baba la sublevacion y como le digese el Co
mandante que todo estaba en suma osbcu
ridad le respondio el que declara que su
Negro Petit François y los demas Negros
eran una picarones, y que si el Comandan
lo llevaba a bien llamarse al dicho Ne
gro Petit François que el haria las pre
guntas en su presencia. Que no rehuso
el Comandante esta diligencia para ver
Our Lord and a Symbol of the Cross according
to law under which he promised to tell the truth as
he knew it and was asked, and being asked about the
reference that Don Valentin Leblanc who was
Commander of Punta Cortada made to him in
his report on the thirtieth of March of the current
year in which he says, that after the judicial
proceeding against the Blacks of the Mina Nation
began, the declarant voluntarily asked him if the
uprising was proven and as the Commander told him
that everything was extremely unclear
the declarant responded that his
Black Petit (“little”) François and the rest of the Blacks
were rogues, and that if the Commander
would let him call the said Black
Petit (“little”) François that he would ask the
questions in his presence. That the Commander
did not refuse this offer to see
to law under which he promised to tell the truth as
he knew it and was asked, and being asked about the
reference that Don Valentin Leblanc who was
Commander of Punta Cortada made to him in
his report on the thirtieth of March of the current
year in which he says, that after the judicial
proceeding against the Blacks of the Mina Nation
began, the declarant voluntarily asked him if the
uprising was proven and as the Commander told him
that everything was extremely unclear
the declarant responded that his
Black Petit (“little”) François and the rest of the Blacks
were rogues, and that if the Commander
would let him call the said Black
Petit (“little”) François that he would ask the
questions in his presence. That the Commander
did not refuse this offer to see
Previous document:
Confrontation of Simon Croiset and Ata (December 9, 1792)