Nueva Orleans y Diziembre 17 de 1792
Aviendose dado aviso de hallarse en es
ta Ciudad Juan Bautita Bara, Luis
Guillot, alias La Jeunesse, ye le Capitan
de milicias D.n Agustin Allain, To
menseles sus declaraciones citandoseles
para que comparezcan a darlas a presen
cia del Señor Theniente Governador y
Auditor de Guerra sobre los parti
culares que convenga interrogarles.
Pedro Pedesclaux
Aviendose dado aviso de hallarse en es
ta Ciudad Juan Bautita Bara, Luis
Guillot, alias La Jeunesse, ye le Capitan
de milicias D.n Agustin Allain, To
menseles sus declaraciones citandoseles
para que comparezcan a darlas a presen
cia del Señor Theniente Governador y
Auditor de Guerra sobre los parti
culares que convenga interrogarles.
Pedro Pedesclaux
New Orleans December 17 1792
Having given notice that they should be in this
City to Juan Bautita Bara, Luis
Guillot, alias La Jeunesse (“the Youth”), and the Captain
of militias Don Agustin Allain, Let
their declarations be taken and arrange a date
that they may appear to give them in the presence
of the Señor Lieutenant Governor and
Judge-Advocate about the matters
which are deemed proper to question them.
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Having given notice that they should be in this
City to Juan Bautita Bara, Luis
Guillot, alias La Jeunesse (“the Youth”), and the Captain
of militias Don Agustin Allain, Let
their declarations be taken and arrange a date
that they may appear to give them in the presence
of the Señor Lieutenant Governor and
Judge-Advocate about the matters
which are deemed proper to question them.
Before me
pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Declaration of George Bergeron (December 9, 1792)
Next document:
Juan Bautista Bara Notified of Subpoena (December 17, 1792)