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fue esta su declaracion por medio de los
Ynterpretes traducida al frances expresan
do estar bien y fielmente escrita y en los
proprios terminos que ha expuesto, que es
de edad de quarenta y sinco años y la
firmo con su Mrd dho Señor Theniente
Gobernador e Ynterpretes de todo lo
que doy fee----
Vidal J. Poydras
Juan Josef Duforest Ant.o Argote
Ante Mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Ex.no pub.co
this his declaration by way of the
Interpreters translated into French saying
that it was well and faithfully written in the
same words that he used, that he is
forty five years old and he signed it
with your Honor said Señor Lieutenant
Governor and Interpreters to all of which
I attest
Vidal J. Poydras
Juan Josef Duforest Antonio Argote
Before Me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
