la tarde del mismo dia mes y año Estando en
la sala de su estudio el Señor D.r D.n Nicolas
Maria Vidal Theniente Gobernador y Auditor
de Guerra de esta Prov. y Asesor general del
Gobierno de ella comparecio D.n Julian Poidras
de quien por medio de los Ynterpretes D.n Juan
Josef Duforest y D.n Antonio Argote, y por ante
mi el Escribano recivio juramento que lo hizo
por Dios Nuestro Señor y una Señal de Cruz
conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir Ver-
dad en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado
y siendolo por las citas que le haze D.n Valen-
tin Leblanc Comandante que fue del Puesto
de Punta Cortada en su informe de treinta
de Marzo de corriente año y corre a foxas
trescientos cinquenta y quatro vuelta de que
el Negro Petit Francois esclavo de Jorge Ber-
gernon expuso en presencia de este, la del
mismo Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc
del declarante, lo que consta escrito en su
la sala de su estudio el Señor D.r D.n Nicolas
Maria Vidal Theniente Gobernador y Auditor
de Guerra de esta Prov. y Asesor general del
Gobierno de ella comparecio D.n Julian Poidras
de quien por medio de los Ynterpretes D.n Juan
Josef Duforest y D.n Antonio Argote, y por ante
mi el Escribano recivio juramento que lo hizo
por Dios Nuestro Señor y una Señal de Cruz
conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir Ver-
dad en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado
y siendolo por las citas que le haze D.n Valen-
tin Leblanc Comandante que fue del Puesto
de Punta Cortada en su informe de treinta
de Marzo de corriente año y corre a foxas
trescientos cinquenta y quatro vuelta de que
el Negro Petit Francois esclavo de Jorge Ber-
gernon expuso en presencia de este, la del
mismo Comandante D.n Valentin Leblanc
del declarante, lo que consta escrito en su
the afternoon of the same day month and year Being in
his study Señor Doctor Don Nicolas
Maria Vidal Lieutenant Governor and Judge-
Advocate of this Province and general Advisor to its
Government Don Julian Poidras appeared
from whom through the Interpreters Don Juan
Josef Duforest and Don Antonio Argote, and before
me the Scribe received the oath that he made
before God Our Lord and a Sign of the Cross
according to law under which he agreed to tell the
Truth as he knew it and was asked
and being asked about the references that Don Valentin
Leblanc who was Commander of the Post
of Punta Cortada made to him in his report of the thirtieth
of March of the current year and begins on the back of page
three hundred fifty four that
the Black Petit Francois slave of Jorge Bergernon
said in his presence, that of the
same Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
and of the declarant, that which appears written in his
his study Señor Doctor Don Nicolas
Maria Vidal Lieutenant Governor and Judge-
Advocate of this Province and general Advisor to its
Government Don Julian Poidras appeared
from whom through the Interpreters Don Juan
Josef Duforest and Don Antonio Argote, and before
me the Scribe received the oath that he made
before God Our Lord and a Sign of the Cross
according to law under which he agreed to tell the
Truth as he knew it and was asked
and being asked about the references that Don Valentin
Leblanc who was Commander of the Post
of Punta Cortada made to him in his report of the thirtieth
of March of the current year and begins on the back of page
three hundred fifty four that
the Black Petit Francois slave of Jorge Bergernon
said in his presence, that of the
same Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
and of the declarant, that which appears written in his
Previous document:
Declaration of Isaac Fastío (November 26, 1792)