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No. 46 DonSimon Croiset dador de esta, es uno
de los comprehendidos en la instruccion
que V.S. se sirvio poner a mi Cuidado
a quien no he notificado nada como
al antecedente Diego Ortiz por hacer
ellos la ocacion para otros asuntos
Segun me previno el Comandante
de este Puesto y me parecio Convenient
te hasta que se me presente otra
que venga arriba para embiar
el que sigue respecto hallarse esta
gente confusa de mi arriba a el y
ver que no me explico = Dios gua - a
V.S. M.A. Punta Cortada siete de
Nov.re de mil Set. - noventa y dos =
Jph Vasq.z Vahamonde =___ Baron de Carondelet.
Number 46 Don Simon Croiset bearer of this, is one
of those included in the instructions
that Your Honor put in my Care
to whom I have told nothing as I have not
the aforementioned Diego Ortiz to give
them the chance for other matters
According to what I was told by the Commander
of this Post and I deemed Appropriate
until I am given other instructions
that come up to send
the next one given that these
people are confused about my arrival here and
see that I do not explain myself = God keep
your Honor Many Years Punta Cortada seventh
of November seventeen ninety two=
Joseph Vasquez Vahamonde= __Baron de Carondelet.