No. 47 No deseando perder instante p.a
executar las ordenas de V.S. espero
merecer me de algunas luses
del mulato que debo embiar
de M.r Colin Lacour, si es Capataz
de la habitacion y tiene otro en
cargo o oficio en ella o bien
el nombre del Padre, Madre, y
si es prim.o o segundo por hallarse
dos ausentes de quatro q.e tiene
dho Lacour y me temo me diga
si me presento se halla ausente
= Dios gua~ al S.M. A. Punta
Cortada Siete de Noviembre de
mil Set.~ noventa y dos = Jph Vasq.z
Vahamonde = Dr. Baron de Carondelet
executar las ordenas de V.S. espero
merecer me de algunas luses
del mulato que debo embiar
de M.r Colin Lacour, si es Capataz
de la habitacion y tiene otro en
cargo o oficio en ella o bien
el nombre del Padre, Madre, y
si es prim.o o segundo por hallarse
dos ausentes de quatro q.e tiene
dho Lacour y me temo me diga
si me presento se halla ausente
= Dios gua~ al S.M. A. Punta
Cortada Siete de Noviembre de
mil Set.~ noventa y dos = Jph Vasq.z
Vahamonde = Dr. Baron de Carondelet
Number 47 Not wishing to lose a moment in
carrying out Your Honor’s orders I hope
to deserve you giving me some news
of Monsieur Colin Lacour’s mulatto
that I must send, if he is the Overseer
of the habitation and he has another in
charge or in service to it or else
the name of the Father, Mother, and
if he is the first or second because two
of the four which the said Lacour has are
absent and I am afraid that he will tell me
if I appear that he is absent
=God keep your Honor Many Years Punta
Cortada Seventh of November
seventeen ninety two = Joseph Vasquez
Vahamonde = Don Baron de Carondelet
carrying out Your Honor’s orders I hope
to deserve you giving me some news
of Monsieur Colin Lacour’s mulatto
that I must send, if he is the Overseer
of the habitation and he has another in
charge or in service to it or else
the name of the Father, Mother, and
if he is the first or second because two
of the four which the said Lacour has are
absent and I am afraid that he will tell me
if I appear that he is absent
=God keep your Honor Many Years Punta
Cortada Seventh of November
seventeen ninety two = Joseph Vasquez
Vahamonde = Don Baron de Carondelet
Previous document:
Bahamonde Report to Carondelet No. 46 (November 7, 1792)