No. 44 Aprobecho de esta occacion para par
ticipar a V.S. de que el portador
es Diego Ortis Soldado de este des
tacamento como me previene
en la instruccion que para haserlo
bajar recibi, no podiendo embiar
en primeras al mulato de Colin
Lacour por haver embiado este
dos mulatos con su hijo a Natche
toches y que puede ser sea
uno de ellos el q.e debe bajar
y teniendo algunos mas me
ticipar a V.S. de que el portador
es Diego Ortis Soldado de este des
tacamento como me previene
en la instruccion que para haserlo
bajar recibi, no podiendo embiar
en primeras al mulato de Colin
Lacour por haver embiado este
dos mulatos con su hijo a Natche
toches y que puede ser sea
uno de ellos el q.e debe bajar
y teniendo algunos mas me
Number 44. Making use of this occasion to inform
your Honor that the messenger
is Diego Ortis Soldier of this detachment
as I was told
in the instruction I received to have him sent
down, not being able to send
at first Colin Lacour’s
mulatto because these two
mulattos were sent with his son to Natchetoches
and that it could be
one of them who should go down
and having a few more I
your Honor that the messenger
is Diego Ortis Soldier of this detachment
as I was told
in the instruction I received to have him sent
down, not being able to send
at first Colin Lacour’s
mulatto because these two
mulattos were sent with his son to Natchetoches
and that it could be
one of them who should go down
and having a few more I