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algrrgria saver si se puede tener
algun conocimiento de qual de
ellos es para aserter, adbirtien
do iqualm.te baja a esa Capital
en toda la Semana que viene D.n
Dimon Croiset, D.n. Julian Poidras,
a quienes notificare las ordenes
de V.S. al tiempo del embarque co
mo hare con todos los demas = Dios
que a V.S. M.A. Punta Cortada prim.o
Noviembre de mil. set. - noventa y dos
= Joseph Vasq. Vabamonde = Sr. Baron de
would like to know if it is possible to
have some knowledge of which of
them is to testify, also informing
Don Dimon Croiset, Don Julian Poidras
that they go down to this Capital for the whole
of the coming week,
whom I will notify of your Honor’s
orders at the time of embarkation as
I will do with all the rest = God keep
your Honor Many Years. Punta Cortada first
of November of seventeen ninety two
=Josef Vasqez Vabamonde = Señor Baron de
