Theniente Gobernador, y Auditor de Guerra
y responde----
Reconvenido porque niega aqui lo
que se puso por el Comandante, siendo
creible, que este se huviese valido del Ne-
gro Rigodon de Nacion Mina pasa
examinarlo, supuesto a que no entendia
el frances criollo, y que no se pondria otra
cosa que la que dixo, puesta estaban pre-
senttes D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n y D.n Agustin Alain, D.n Simon
Croiset, D.n Alexandor Leblanc, y otros blan
cos? dixo: Que no huvo tal Ynterprete y
que aunque havia varios blancos no los
conocio, ni tampoco a uno de ellos que escribia
que no se le dixo, ni leio nada y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando con lo que ha dicho el Negro Coyo?
dixo: Que es falso lo que este Negro ha
y responde----
Reconvenido porque niega aqui lo
que se puso por el Comandante, siendo
creible, que este se huviese valido del Ne-
gro Rigodon de Nacion Mina pasa
examinarlo, supuesto a que no entendia
el frances criollo, y que no se pondria otra
cosa que la que dixo, puesta estaban pre-
senttes D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n y D.n Agustin Alain, D.n Simon
Croiset, D.n Alexandor Leblanc, y otros blan
cos? dixo: Que no huvo tal Ynterprete y
que aunque havia varios blancos no los
conocio, ni tampoco a uno de ellos que escribia
que no se le dixo, ni leio nada y responde----
Reconvenido igualmente el referido D.n
Fernando con lo que ha dicho el Negro Coyo?
dixo: Que es falso lo que este Negro ha
Lieutenant Governor, and Judge-Advocate
and he responds--
Confronted with why he denies here what
was put down by the Commander, being
believable, that the latter would have availed himself
of the Black Rigodon of the Mina Nation to
examine him, supposing that he did not understand
creole French, and that he would not put down something
other than what was said, since
Don Fernando Rodriguez, Don
Francisco and Don Agustin Alain, Don Simon
Croiset, Don Alexandro Leblanc, and other
whites were present? he said: That there was no such Interpreter and
that although there were several whites he did not
meet them, not even to one of them who was writing
that nothing was said, or read to him and he responds--
The said Don Fernando being confronted in the same
manner with what the Black Coyo had said?
said: that what this Black has said
and he responds--
Confronted with why he denies here what
was put down by the Commander, being
believable, that the latter would have availed himself
of the Black Rigodon of the Mina Nation to
examine him, supposing that he did not understand
creole French, and that he would not put down something
other than what was said, since
Don Fernando Rodriguez, Don
Francisco and Don Agustin Alain, Don Simon
Croiset, Don Alexandro Leblanc, and other
whites were present? he said: That there was no such Interpreter and
that although there were several whites he did not
meet them, not even to one of them who was writing
that nothing was said, or read to him and he responds--
The said Don Fernando being confronted in the same
manner with what the Black Coyo had said?
said: that what this Black has said