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A fin de continuar las averiguaci
on sobre los particularles sobre los parti-
culares de esta causa, comuniquese orden
reservada por Secretaria al Capitan D.n
Josef Bahamonde, Comandante del Puesto
de Baton Rouge para que pase al
de Punta Cortada con la mayor breve-
dad que pueda, y pratique las dili-
gencias que se le prevendran, dando avi
so de ellas oportunamente. Y concluida su
comision, acompañará Cuenta y Rela-
cion Jurada de los gastos que se le ocasio=
naren en ella, y de los dias que empleare
con expresion de los de su viage en ida,
y buelta, para que a su tiempo se satis-
fagan por quien corresponda. Y dirijasele
otra orden separada para el Comandante del
dicho Puesto de Punta Cortada a fin de que no
le ponga embarazo alguno por su parte al ci
tado Bahamonde en sus procedimientos, y que
por el contrario le facilite todos los Auxilios que
necesitare para el desempeño de su encargo.=
Proveyolo el S.or Baron
In order to continue the inquiries
about the details about the details
of this trial, let the order classified
by the Secretary be communicated to Captain Don
Josef Bahamonde, Commander of the Post
of Baton Rouge that he come to that of
Punta Cortada as quickly as
he can, and participate in the
proceedings which are planned for him, having
been duly informed of them. And his commission being
over, it will be accompanied by a Sworn
Account of the costs that he incurred
in it, and the days that he is employed by it
including those of the travel going,
and returning, so that in time he may
be compensated by the appropriate person. And let
another separate order be sent to the Commander
of said Post of Punta Cortada that
he not hinder in any way the said
Bahamonde in his participation in his proceedings, and that
on the contrary he provide all the Assistance which
he might need for the completion of his duty.=
Ordered by Señor Baron
