do comparecer al Negro Coyo esclavo de
D.n Porche de quienes su Señoria por
ante mi el Escrivano recivio juramento que
lo hicieron el dicho Rodriguez por Dios y la
Cruz, y el Negro Coyo por medio de los precita-
dos Ynterpretes por Dios en cuya existen-
cia cree bajo el que ofrecieron decir ver-
dad en lo que supieren y fueren preguntados
y haviendo el dicho D.n Fernando leido al Ne
gro en idioma frances ciollo desde la pri-
mera pregunta hasta la ultima respues-
ta de su declaracion dada ante el Coman
dante de Punta cortada que comienza
a vuelta de foxas sesenta y tres: se reco-
nocio que el Negro Coyo ni entiende, ni sa-
be explicarse en dicho idioma a exepcion
de algunas palabras sueltas, ratificandose
en lo que tiene confesado ante el Señor
D.n Porche de quienes su Señoria por
ante mi el Escrivano recivio juramento que
lo hicieron el dicho Rodriguez por Dios y la
Cruz, y el Negro Coyo por medio de los precita-
dos Ynterpretes por Dios en cuya existen-
cia cree bajo el que ofrecieron decir ver-
dad en lo que supieren y fueren preguntados
y haviendo el dicho D.n Fernando leido al Ne
gro en idioma frances ciollo desde la pri-
mera pregunta hasta la ultima respues-
ta de su declaracion dada ante el Coman
dante de Punta cortada que comienza
a vuelta de foxas sesenta y tres: se reco-
nocio que el Negro Coyo ni entiende, ni sa-
be explicarse en dicho idioma a exepcion
de algunas palabras sueltas, ratificandose
en lo que tiene confesado ante el Señor
ordered the Black Coyo slave of
Don Francisco Porche to appear from whom his Honor
before me the Scribe received the oath that
the said Rodriguez gave before God and the
Cross, and the Black Coyo gave through the
said Interpreters by God in whose existence
he believes under which they agreed to tell the truth
as they knew it and were asked
and the said Don Fernando having read to the
Black in the French creole language from the first
question to the last response
of his declaration given before the
Commander of Punta cortada which begins
on the back of page sixty three: it was recognized
that the Black Coyo does not understand, nor is he able to
speak said language with the exception
of a few words, confirming
what he had confessed before the
Don Francisco Porche to appear from whom his Honor
before me the Scribe received the oath that
the said Rodriguez gave before God and the
Cross, and the Black Coyo gave through the
said Interpreters by God in whose existence
he believes under which they agreed to tell the truth
as they knew it and were asked
and the said Don Fernando having read to the
Black in the French creole language from the first
question to the last response
of his declaration given before the
Commander of Punta cortada which begins
on the back of page sixty three: it was recognized
that the Black Coyo does not understand, nor is he able to
speak said language with the exception
of a few words, confirming
what he had confessed before the