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reconvenido su Senoria en este acto sobre
que, porque negaba aora, y en la citada
confesion lo que aparece escrito ante el
Comandante siendo asi que entiende regu-
larmente el frances, y que estaban presentes
D.n Fernando Rodriguez, D.n Fran.co Y D.n
Augustin Alain, D.n Simon Croiset, D.n Ale
xandro Leblanc, con otras personas
blancas y el Negro Rigodon de Nacion
Mina esclavo del mismo Comandante
dixo: que es cierto estaban presentes D.n Fernando
Rodriguez quien escribia solamente, pero
que no havia otras personas que el Co
mandante, y Poidras, ni tampoco el Ne
gro Rigodon y responde----
Reconvenido el dicho D.n Fernando
con lo que el Negro Cofi ha dicho? dixo:
que es falso lo que ha expuesto el Negro
confronted him in this proceeding about
why he denied now, and in the said
confession that which was written before the
Commander being that he understands
French fine, and that present were
Don Fernando Rodriguez, Don Francisco and Don
Augustin Alain, Don Simon Croiset, Don
Alexandro Leblanc, with other white
people and the Black Rigodon of the Mina
Nation slave of the said Commander
he said: that it is true that Don Fernando
Rodriguez was present who only wrote, but
that no other person was there except the
Commander, and Poidras, not even the
Black Rigodon and he responds--
the said Don Fernando faced with
what the Black Cofi had said? he said:
that what the Black Cofi had said is false
