y preguntado sobre la
resistencia que hiso
el negro Cofy esclavo
del nombrado Jacinto
Chis, Dijo que dho
negro fue tomado
tocando a la Puerta
de la cavaña de otro
y haviendo le dicho
el Jefe de la Patrulla
de entregarse se defen
dio con un cuchillo
resistencia que hiso
el negro Cofy esclavo
del nombrado Jacinto
Chis, Dijo que dho
negro fue tomado
tocando a la Puerta
de la cavaña de otro
y haviendo le dicho
el Jefe de la Patrulla
de entregarse se defen
dio con un cuchillo
and asked about the
resistance that the black
Cofy slave of the
named Jacinto Chis
gave, He said that said
black was apprehended
knocking on the Door
of another’s hut
and with the Leader of
the Patrol having told him
to turn himself in he
defended himself with a knife
resistance that the black
Cofy slave of the
named Jacinto Chis
gave, He said that said
black was apprehended
knocking on the Door
of another’s hut
and with the Leader of
the Patrol having told him
to turn himself in he
defended himself with a knife
Previous document:
Declaration of Joseph Porche (July 19, 1791)