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continuamenta en ella del
dho jacó y la declaran
te, que lo que lleva de
clarado es la verdad
en cargo de su juramto
dho que es de edad de
treinta anos, no firmo pr
no saver lo hicieron
los testigos de asistencia
con dho Ynterprete de
que doy fee=Ysac Fastio-
Ricard de Riotord=Diego
Ortiz=Valentin Leblanc
always in the hut of said
jacó and the declarant,
that what she has
declared is the truth
under her oath
said she is thirty
years old, she did not sign
because she does not know how
the attesting witnesses did so
with said Interpreter which
I attest = Ysac Fastio =
Ricard de Riotord = Diego
Ortiz = Valentin Leblanc
