Punta Cortada catorse
de julio de mil set. no.
veinta y un años
Considerando ser indis
pensables las Declarcio
nes de la Patrulla
que tomo al negro
Cofy Nacion Minan
perteneciente al nom
brado Jacinto Chis
de julio de mil set. no.
veinta y un años
Considerando ser indis
pensables las Declarcio
nes de la Patrulla
que tomo al negro
Cofy Nacion Minan
perteneciente al nom
brado Jacinto Chis
Punta Cortada fourteenth
of July seventeen
ninety one
Considering to be
indispensable the Declarations
of the Patrol
that took in the black
Cofy of the Minan Nation
belonging to the said
Jacinto chis
of July seventeen
ninety one
Considering to be
indispensable the Declarations
of the Patrol
that took in the black
Cofy of the Minan Nation
belonging to the said
Jacinto chis
Previous document:
Declaration of Pedro Mina (July 13, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Agata (July 15, 1791)