unico reo que se
defendio en la apre
hencion, y tambien
la declaracion de la
negra Agata esclava
de Enrique Lagranche
citada por el negro jacó
de Santiago Fabre en
su declaracion de ai
rar quinse compares
can en el dia ma
ñana quinse del corr.te
a el efecto a los quales
defendio en la apre
hencion, y tambien
la declaracion de la
negra Agata esclava
de Enrique Lagranche
citada por el negro jacó
de Santiago Fabre en
su declaracion de ai
rar quinse compares
can en el dia ma
ñana quinse del corr.te
a el efecto a los quales
the only accused who
defended himself during
his apprehension, and also
the declaration of the
black woman Agata slave
of Enrique Lagranche
referenced by the black jacó
belonging to Santiago Fabre in
his declaration of the
fifteenth that they appear
on the morning of the
fifteenth of this current month
to this end they will
defended himself during
his apprehension, and also
the declaration of the
black woman Agata slave
of Enrique Lagranche
referenced by the black jacó
belonging to Santiago Fabre in
his declaration of the
fifteenth that they appear
on the morning of the
fifteenth of this current month
to this end they will
Previous document:
Declaration of Pedro Mina (July 13, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Agata (July 15, 1791)