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refirio devia comenzar por
matar al nombrado Tournier
tomar los fuciles polvoras
y bala que havia en dho
Almacen, y con ella ha
cer la guerra a los blan
cos y responde.
Preguntado si no save el
dia que devian comenzar
por matar los blancos Dijo
que el Savado nueve del
corriente a media noche
y responde.
Preguntado como save que
el savado a media noche
told him they were to begin by
killing the named Tournier
take the rifles powder
and bullets that were in said
Storehouse, and with this make
war on the whites
and he responds.
Asked if he does not know the
day that they were to begin
by killing the whites He said
that the Saturday ninth of the
current month at midnight
and he responds.
Asked how does he know that
on Saturday at midnight
