es menester que busque
_______, piocha, cuchillo y
qualesquiera otra armas
que tengan para ayudar
a matar a todos los blan
cos de este Puesto a lo qual
el Declarante le respondio
que no queria comprome
terse y responde
Preguntado si no tiene
noticia de las armas
que tenia Zesar para
repartir a los demas negros
para matar los blancos
Dijo que Segun Zesar le
_______, piocha, cuchillo y
qualesquiera otra armas
que tengan para ayudar
a matar a todos los blan
cos de este Puesto a lo qual
el Declarante le respondio
que no queria comprome
terse y responde
Preguntado si no tiene
noticia de las armas
que tenia Zesar para
repartir a los demas negros
para matar los blancos
Dijo que Segun Zesar le
it is necessary that he seek
__, pickaxe, knife and
whatever other weapons
they had to help
kill all the whites
of this Post to which
the Declarant responded
that he did not want to get
involved and he responds
Asked if he does not have
notice of the weapons
that Zesar had to
distribute to the rest of the blacks
to kill the whites
He said that According to what Zesar
__, pickaxe, knife and
whatever other weapons
they had to help
kill all the whites
of this Post to which
the Declarant responded
that he did not want to get
involved and he responds
Asked if he does not have
notice of the weapons
that Zesar had to
distribute to the rest of the blacks
to kill the whites
He said that According to what Zesar
Previous document:
Declaration of Joseph (July 12, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Thomas (July 12, 1791)